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How Much Does Dementia Home Care Cost

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  • Tags:
  • Dementia Care, Costs, Legal Affairs, Financial Advice, Money
  • Posted date:
  • 22-07-2024
How Much Does Dementia Home Care Cost

We look at How Much Does Dementia Home Care Cost? This guide  provides a detailed breakdown of the expenses associated with at-home dementia care. 

Understanding the cost of dementia home care in the UK is crucial for families planning for the future. This article explores the varying expenses, available benefits, and financial support options, providing essential information to help you navigate the complexities of dementia care.

How Much Does Dementia Care Cost in the UK?

Dementia care expenses are significant, increasing according to the type and level of care provided. In the UK, the cost of dementia home care varies widely, depending on the area, the patient’s needs, and the type of care required. Sometimes, dementia care costs can be as low as £15 per hour, but often they can exceed £1,000 per week.

Understanding the total cost of dementia home care is significantly necessary, particularly for families bearing the financial weight for lengthy periods. Most individuals would opt for home care as opposed to residential care for their cherished ones.

It's noteworthy to remember that the expense of nursing home care can be comparable, or possibly even more costly. This can vary according to different factors such as the specific care needs, duration of care required, and the region where care services are provided. Therefore, it is pertinent to extensively research and compare these costs before arriving at a final decision.

It is important to understand that while many people fund their own dementia care, others may be eligible for help from their local authority or the NHS. Also, there are cases where costs are shared between the individual and local authorities or NHS depending on the level of support needed and funding available. However, it doesn't fully cover the cost of care, and there is still a financial gap to meet care needs.

What Are the Benefits Offered to Those With Dementia and Their Carers?

Looking after a person with dementia is challenging and often time-consuming. The UK government is aware of this and provides various benefits to those with dementia and their caregivers. The Carer's Allowance is given to people who spend at least 35 hours per week caring for someone with dementia.

There are also disability benefits available to people living with dementia. These are designed to help manage the extra costs caused by long-term health or disability condition. Those in receipt of these benefits can also be entitled to further assistance such as Disability Premiums.

The Housing and Low Income Benefits are significant in providing support for housing and living costs. Designed for those on low income, they are especially important for those vulnerable and in need of assistance. In addition, retirement benefits can offer a steadfast income for those of retirement age.

How Much Does Dementia Home Care Cost - Dementia Care At Home

Ensuring stable income leads to improved living conditions, which are integral to dementia care. Resources can be used for dementia-specific services such as regular home visits, specialised equipment and therapeutic interventions, thus bolstering the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals living with dementia.

Always remember that every benefit comes with its own set of eligibility criteria. Hence, it's crucially important to seek and find trustworthy and reliable information about the specific eligibility requirements before you decide to proceed with your application. 

This will help you understand if you qualify for the benefits and prevent any surprises once the application process commences. Thoroughly doing your research beforehand and validating the information can be really beneficial in the long run.

What Happens if People Affected by Dementia Don’t Have the Funds to Pay for Their Care, or if Their Money Runs Out?

When individuals affected by dementia in the UK lack the financial means to pay for their care or deplete their funds, the situation necessitates a detailed financial assessment by their local authority. This assessment evaluates the individual's income and capital to determine their ability to contribute towards their care costs. 

For those with assets exceeding £23,250, they are generally expected to cover the full cost of their care. 

However, when assets fall between £14,250 and £23,250, the local authority calculates a means-tested contribution, requiring the individual to pay an amount reflective of their financial capacity, with the local authority subsidizing the remainder.

If assets are below £14,250, individuals are only required to contribute what they can afford from their income, with the local authority covering the majority of the care costs.

In addition to this, local authorities must ensure that individuals retain a certain level of income, referred to as the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG), to cover their personal expenses and avoid destitution. This safeguard ensures that those receiving care maintain a basic standard of living. Benefits and disability-related expenditures are also considered during the assessment to ensure that the contributions required are fair and do not impose undue hardship on the individual.

In cases where individuals are unable to manage their finances due to the progression of dementia, they might require the appointment of a deputy or a lasting power of attorney to handle their affairs. This legal arrangement ensures that their financial interests are adequately protected and managed in their best interest.

Note: This information is up to date as of July 2024.  

Legal Affairs for Someone With Dementia

Managing Legal Affairs for Someone With Dementia

Navigating the complexities of legal affairs for someone living with dementia can be a challenging task. It requires not just delicate handling, but also thoughtful forward planning. A variety of legal provisions exist that help safeguard the personal wishes and financial interests of the person affected by dementia, as well as their close family members.

These measures largely aim to shield this vulnerable group from potential predatory practices. They ensure that the rights, dignity, and financial security of the person with dementia are upheld, no matter their condition's progression.

These legal strategies also insightful planning that mitigates undue stress on the family whilst ensuring the person's individual choices are respected. It's essential to be proactive in these situations and consider seeking professional legal advice to navigate this often complex landscape effectively. 

Prioritising this is critical right from the early stages of the dementia diagnosis. Any delay might risk causing more harm than good. These legal measures aren't just about protection, but also about promoting the well-being and safety of the person with dementia and their family.

A Power of Attorney is a legal instrument that allows you to make important decisions on behalf of a person with dementia. This could include fielding key matters such as financial and health-related decisions. If circumstances call for it, an application can also be made to the Court of Protection. This court has the authority to appoint a deputy who can handle the person's affairs who is without mental capacity.

The deputy will work under the instruction of the court to ensure that every decision taken aligns with the best interests of the person involved. It's always wise to seek professional legal guidance regarding these matters.

Who Can I Go to for Financial Advice for Future Care Costs

Preparing for potential future care costs is an essential task that one should consider seriously. Notably, if you're concerned about the financial impact of dementia care, seeking guidance from professionals can make a difference. Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs), for instance, offer valuable knowledge in this area.

They present insightful details concerning care expenses, the wide range of funding options available, and they can help assess whether certain financial products or solutions might be viable for your unique circumstances or needs. 

Overall, with their specialist advice, you would be better equipped to make wise decisions about future care expenses, safeguarding your financial health as well as ensuring adequate provision for potential dementia care.

In addition to this, charities offer a broad range of supportive services, including meticulously detailed guides, readily available helplines, and expert advisers. They typically have legal advisers at hand, experienced in various fields, who can provide assistance with housing matters such as property sales, legal documents, and other related issues.

Some charities work closely with local Citizens Advice offices, an organisation that offers free, impartial advice. They are extremely knowledgeable about various subjects such as benefits, financial assistance, debt, and other important issues. Working together, they provide thorough, holistic support to those who need it most. This collaboration ensures that people get all the help they need, all in one place.

Our dementia home help carers offer high-quality care for your loved ones. If you require dementia care at home in London our specialist helpers will help you remain independent in familiar surroundings. Contact Companions Home Care today to learn more about our dementia services.